Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Chronological Index: Ancient History: | Geographical Index: Asian History:

Ancient History:

I n f o r m a t i o n

»The ancient Near East was the home of early civilizations within a region roughly corresponding to the modern Middle East: Mesopotamia (modern Iraq, southeast Turkey, southwest Iran, and northeastern Syria), ancient Egypt, ancient Persia (Elam, Media, Parthia, and Persis), Anatolia and the Armenian highlands (Turkey's Eastern Anatolia Region, Armenia, northwestern Iran, southern Georgia, and western Azerbaijan), the Levant (modern Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Jordan and Cyprus) and the Arabian Peninsula. The ancient Near East is studied in the fields of ancient Near East studies, Near Eastern archaeology, and ancient history.
The history of the ancient Near East begins with the rise of Sumer in the 4th millennium BC, though the date it ends varies. The term covers the Bronze Age and the Iron Age in the region, until either the conquest by the Achaemenid Empire in the 6th century BC, that by the Macedonian Empire in the 4th century BC, or the Early Muslim conquests in the 7th century AD.« -- More information: Wikipedia

C h r o n o l o g i c a l   I n d e x

Periods: Assyrian History, Babylonian History, Hittite History, Israelite History, Persian History, Sumerian History

T o p i c a l   I n d e x

1. P r o s e c u t i o n
Legislation: General | Inquiry: - | Trials: - | Arbitary Law: - | Frequency: -

2. C a s e s
Biblical Cases: General; Fictional Cases: - | Mythological Cases: General | Real Cases: -

3. T y p e s
General: Rape, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment | Body: - | Circumstances: Attempted Rape, Rape Threat | Frequency: Serial Rape | Killing: - | Offenders: Gang Rape, Incestual Rape, Same-Sex Rape | Places: - | Purposes: Forced Prostitution, Sex Trafficking | State of Emergency: Wartime Sexual Violence | Victims: Incestual Rape, Same-Sex Rape, Slave Rape

4. O f f e n d e r s
Age and Gender: Female Adults, Male Adults | Biological Status: Gods | Kinship: Brothers, Daughters, Fathers | Mental Status: - | Professions: Soldiers | Social Status: Noblemen | Physical Consequences: - | Reactions: -

5. V i c t i m s
Age and Gender: Female Adults, Female Children, Male Adults | Biological Status: Gods | Kinship: Daughters, Fathers, Sisters | Mental Status: Drunkenness, Sleep | Physical Status: Virginity | Professions: - | Social Status: Married Women, Slaves, Unmarried Women | Circumstances: Captivity, Narcotization | Mental Consequences: Trauma | Physical Consequences: - | Reactions: - | Social Consequences: -

6. S o c i e t y
Institutions: - | Movements: - | Politics: - | Rape Culture: -

7. R e s e a r c h
Disciplines: - | Education: Teaching History

8. R e p r e s e n t a t i o n s
Acoustical: Music: - | Textual: Historiographical Texts: General; Literary Texts: General; Philosophical Texts: -; Press: -; Religious Texts: General; Song Texts: -; Speeches: -; Travel Writing: - | Visual: Art: -; Comics: -; Dance Theatre: -; Fashion: -; Films: -; Musical Theatre: -; Photography: -; Television: -; Video Games: -